My first blog post

Thank you for visiting this site. Dear reader, you should know I find blogging terrifying. It’s frightening to consider letting loose with an opinion, sentiment or musing in which the words have not been fretted, worked and re-worked and then set aside until my attachment to those words has cooled so I can twist and tweak them some more.


I’ll not yield to that worry, and I’ll plunge face-first into that fear starting today. And I will post at least monthly. Feel free to hold me accountable! For now, take a look in the craft corner where I’ve posted an analysis of metaphor in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. I’ll continue to post craft analyses each month on different literary devices and how master writers employ them in their work. Dig into some dorky goodness!

2 Responses to My first blog post

  1. Looking forward to your blog posts. It is ok to let go and put your thoughts (unfretted and re-worked) out here. We your readers will be kind.

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